A wreath with purple and yellow flowers hangs on a church door

Baptisms, Weddings & Memorial Services

In key moments of our lives, it is meaningful to gather in sacred space with a spiritual community. At FCC Natick, we are glad to partner with you in these key life events.


Baptism is one of two sacraments – “sacred acts” – in our tradition (Communion being the other). The person being baptized is blessed with water and words, and all present promise to support and nurture them as they grow in their relationship with God. Baptism is a celebration of God’s love for each of us, just as we are.

Traditionally, baptism is understood as the “initiation rite” of the Christian church. It is sometimes called a “christening” and is also similar to a baby dedication. While we often baptize infants, any person of any age is welcome to experience this sacred act.

It is our tradition to celebrate baptism within worship on Sunday mornings, so that the congregation can promise to lift up and support the person being baptized. Private baptisms can be held in special circumstances.

Please contact our pastor to discuss a baptism for yourself or your child. Rev. Cindy will work with your family to create a service that celebrates your relationship with God.


We are delighted to work with couples who are planning a wedding and beginning a marriage!

As an Open and Affirming congregation, we celebrate the marriages of couples of all sexual orientations, identities, and gender expressions.

If you’d like to learn more about celebrating your wedding at FCCN, please contact the church office.

Funeral OR Memorial Service

Flowers for a memorial service

When someone we love dies, we believe it is helpful and important to hold a funeral or a memorial service.  These are opportunities to both mourn the loss of the person who has died and celebrate all that they meant to us in life.

Our pastor works with individuals and families to plan services that accurately reflect the person who has died and will be comforting to those who are left behind. She is also glad to work with someone in advance of their death to hear their wishes and collaborate to plan a later service.

Please contact the church office to discuss a funeral or memorial service. We’ll be glad to connect you with the pastor.