A brick church with Pride flags and a banner that reads "Love is Stronger Than Hate"

Vision & Values

At FCC Natick, our mission is to express the love and welcome of Christ, through word and action, in our community and in the wider world.

This is the call that draws us together. We don’t have a creed—a set of beliefs all must agree to in order to be part of this community. Instead, we have values we hold in common, values that shape our worship, our activities, our conversations, and our financial commitments.

  • We reflect on our beliefs and share them with each other. We think questions are much more interesting than answers, and we benefit from a diversity of perspectives.
  • We draw inspiration and insight from sacred text (from the Bible to poetry), personal experience (our own and the stories others share), contemplation and silence, science, and nature.
  • We seek to widen our welcome, always looking for who is missing, whose voice we’re not hearing, what obstacles we need to remove so there is room enough for all.
  • We work for justice in the world. We share our time, money, energy and influence. We learn about our own biases as well as structures that hurt God’s children. We take responsibility for the earth on which we live.
  • We follow the teachings and examples of Jesus, living lives of compassion and practicing love for God, our neighbors, and ourselves.
  • We declare all people are beautiful and beloved children of God. We see you as worthy and wonderful, just as you are.