News & Announcements
FCC’s elected UCC Delegates Kirsten McDonough and David Coulter attended the Annual Meeting of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ (SNEUCC) in Amherst, MA on June 22, 2024. The meeting featured reports from Conference leaders including special recognition of the work of Jonathan Guest, who helped the Conference develop its Legacy Program for churches that are closing. Music and prayers were interspersed throughout the meeting. Dr. Erica Dollhopf presented the conference theme, “Grow Your Church.” The keynote presentation was “God Math” by Rev. Dr. Courtney Stange-Tregear. Slides from their talks are available on the Conference website. Voting delegates then debated and passed a resolution calling upon the SNEUCC conference, its staff, members and congregations to become Welcoming, Inclusive, Supporting and Engaged (W.I.S.E.) for mental health awareness and for those affected by mental health challenges. The Conference has developed resources to assist congregations in becoming W.I.S.E. churches.