An entrance to a brick church with ornate stone columns and an open door

News & Announcements

6 people making stuffing and mashed potatoes in the church kitchen

A Thanksgiving Feast at Open Door

On Monday November 25th, members of FCCN had a great time hosting Open Door.  Hosting Open Door is about more than just serving food; it’s about coming together as a community to share in the joy of a good meal and meaningful connections.

With the help of FCCN’s new kitchen, preparing mashed potatoes and stuffing for seventy guests was an easy and efficient task. On the day of the meal, FCCN members rolled up their sleeves and roasted four turkeys, made additional side dishes, and came together to help serve and enjoy the meal.

As a community, we shared a hearty spread of roast turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, dinner rolls, salad, and a variety of pies.

Our next Open Door dates are:

  • Monday, January 20, 2025
  • Monday, March 17,  2025
  • Monday, May 19, 2025

Contact Kirsten with questions or to volunteer.