A group of people preparing food
A woman serves food
Choir members in blue robes

Get Involved

There are many ways to experience belonging at FCC Natick. Join us for worship on Sunday mornings, and greet new friends during the Passing of the Peace. Chat with the Pastor. Ask questions.

A good place to start learning more is to sign up for our email newsletter The LINK.

What’s next after that? Whatever calls to you!

We hope you’ll join us for Coffee Hour after morning worship. It’s the easiest way to get to know some of us—conversation to nourish the soul and refreshments to nourish the body too.

Or perhaps you’ll come out and join FCC’s team when we cook and serve the Open Door community dinner. We come together quarterly to provide this meal for our neighbors in need.

Or you might pop into one of our monthly Pub Theology meet-ups. Often held in living rooms, on outdoor decks, or around fire pits, these informal gatherings invite participants to share snacks and beverages and engage in informal, but meaningful, dialogue. Each conversation focuses on a theme and calls upon participants to reflect on the intersection of faith and contemporary issues. Pub Theology is a great way to explore faith and friendship.

If none of these suggestions feels quite right for you or you’ve got questions about any of them, contact Rev. Cindy for help getting plugged into something that fits.