A group of kids of different ages sits in a circle
A woman teaches Sunday School to a group of young children
A father interacts with his young son
Two parents and their child at coffee hour

Families With Children

Children and youth are always welcome in our worship services. We encourage you to find what works best for your family.

Many children begin worship in The Prayground, a space down front with a great view and quiet activities to engage busy hands and bodies.

Our nursery staff care for infants and toddlers just steps away from parents. Remote viewing of the service from the nursery is available if a parent chooses to stay there with a child. An usher can guide you to the nursery.

Sunday School begins midway through worship. Children in preschool through grade 3 engage with our Godly Play curriculum, and children in grades 4 through 6 participate in our Connect program. If they wish, parents may accompany their child to the classroom door and then return to the Sanctuary for the rest of the worship service. Parents are encouraged to attend coffee hour for a few minutes with the other adults after worship before picking up their child at 11:45 am. These extra minutes benefit both parents and children.

Youth in grades 7-12 join in our worship services and enjoy leveled Youth Group opportunities on Sunday evenings during the program year, as well as special programs such as Confirmation and Our Whole Lives human sexuality education.

For more info about children and youth programming at FCCN, please reach out to Sarallyn Keller, our Director of Spiritual Vitality and Congregational Care,