A clock on the steeple of a brick church with slate roof


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Four people walking down a sidewalk carrying containers with food and diapers.

Summer Pantry Parade

  • Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024
  • Time: 10:30am11:00am
  • Location: FCCN Vestry, 2 East Central St., Natick, MA 01760
  • Contact: Beth Garreau

In the summer, temperatures spike, and so does food insecurity. For kids who rely on school to give them two good meals a day, summer vacation means hunger. And that means the Common Good Mini Pantry is more important than ever.

Your Outreach team sees this as an opportunity to care for our neighbors in concrete ways.  We will be celebrating the pantry’s presence and gathering donations all summer long.  And once a month, after worship, we’ll parade over to the pantry to stock the shelves!

Pantry favorites:

  • peanut butter
  • canned meats:  chicken,  tuna,  spam
  • jelly
  • cereal
  • granola bars
  • pasta

Check out the list above, and if you are able add a few extra items to your grocery trip.  Bring the donations to worship (or drop them off anytime the church office is open) and join us for this pantry parade and/or the next one on Aug. 25.

And if you yourself need food, the Common Good Mini Pantry is near the corner of School and Common Street in Natick Center.  Rev. Cindy has other resources as well, so please talk with her.

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