A clock on the steeple of a brick church with slate roof


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ASH WED SOUP & SERVICE (in person only)

  • Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
  • Time: 6:30pm8:00pm
  • Location: FCCN Vestry (2 East Central St., Natick, MA 01760); FCCN Sanctuary (2 East Central St., Natick, MA 01760)
  • Contact: Sarallyn Keller
  • Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
  • Phone: 508-653-0971

We’ll begin with a soup supper in the Vestry at 6:30, then move to the sanctuary for a service of music and prayer.  We will share communion, and ashes will be offered to those who would like them.  The themes of Ash Wednesday can feel so serious, as we think about the dust we come from and the dust to which we return.  But gathered together in community, we help each other through.

We need some helping hands with the supper – please contact Sarallyn if you can make a pot of soup or help with set-up or clean-up on March 5.

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