A clock on the steeple of a brick church with slate roof


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Anthropod Petting Zoo Live Animal Program-SHOW #2

  • Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025
  • Time: 2:15pm3:15pm
  • Location: FCCN Sanctuary, 2 East Central St., Natick, MA 01760
  • Contact: Sharon Kirby

Professor Bugman presents the Anthropod Petting Zoo
Live Animal Program

Sat., April 5, 1:00-2:00pm & 2:15-3:15pm
$5.00 p.p. advance ticket sales only

This is a show-and-tell-and-touch featuring live exotic arthropods from all 4 major groups including Crustaceans, like crabs; Insects; Myriapods, like centipedes; and Arachnids aka spiders. Children see, feel, hear, and even smell these anthropods as they learn about the incredible adaptations that help them survive their world and how they benefit us! For ages 6+.

Tickets must be purchased in advanced and may be purchased by:
• Venmo, email fcc_events@firstchurchnatick.org
Eventbrite tickets (fees apply)

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