A pastor touches the shoulder of an elderly woman
A woman and a man having fun
Two people hugging


We need each other. Life is beautiful and rich but also stressful and complicated.  Isolation is a real health risk. New neighbors come from around the world. Older adults need physical and emotional support. Mental health challenges are a concern for so many families. A feeling of belonging isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

There are many ways to experience belonging at FCC Natick.

  • Join us for worship on Sunday mornings and greet your neighbors during the Passing of the Peace.
  • Sign up to help with a community supper.
  • Share your thoughts during monthly Pub Theology gatherings.
  • Join a ministry team and work on projects together.
  • Become a member and covenant to add your voice to the direction of this church.

Belonging means different things to different people at different times in their lives.  We encourage you to go at your own pace and do what feels right for you.

Congregation and Covenant

At FCCN, the congregation is in charge. There is no external hierarchy telling us what to do, no bishop that sets rules for us. We choose our own pastor, write our own bylaws, create our own worship. Everyone’s voice matters as we create this community together.  

In churchy language, this is called “congregational polity.” Polity means how we are organized and operate.  We are organized and run by our congregation. This way of being gives us lots of freedom.  

We also highly value covenant.  Folks in church hold hands up, palm out.A covenant is an agreement among people that is grounded in relationship with God.  Our covenant is a commitment to work together, listen to each other, and stick together even when it’s hard.

At FCCN we covenant with each other, as well as the denomination we’re part of, the United Church of Christ.  That means we can celebrate our autonomy as a congregation but also feel connected to congregations around the world.


Officially becoming a member of FCCN is a way of publicly and formally affirming covenant.  In a service of worship, individuals seeking membership promise to be thoughtful and engaged participants in congregational life, and the congregation promises to make room for new ideas, experiences, and perspectives.

There are a few roles in FCCN’s governance that are only available to members, and only members may vote at congregational meetings.  But we recognize that some people just aren’t “joiners,” so FCCN offers many ways to be connected, involved, and fulfilled  without official membership.

Ready for More?

If you’d like to talk about getting connected at FCCN, please contact the church office or fill out our New Friend Info Form.