A man speaks and gestures with his hands during a Bible study
Two adults seated in chairs with a wooden fireplace mantel in the background
A woman in a crowd of adults speaks and gestures with her hands

Programs for Adults

Through learning and questioning we seek a deeper faith connection to help us to understand the answers to those fundamental questions: Are we alone? Are we enough? What is our purpose?

Through word and prayer, we discuss what weighs on us and what lightens us, what separates us and what binds us. We care deeply about welcome and nurture, about supporting the vulnerable, about growing up and growing old, about standing for others, about empowerment and redemption.

Below are some of the faith formation programs for adults offered at FCC Natick.

If you are interested in exploring a deeper faith and connecting with others through learning and questioning, please reach out to Sarallyn Keller, our Director of Spiritual Vitality and Congregational Care, for information about any of the programs below.